Univerzitet u Novom Sadu
Centar za evropske studije i istraživanja - CAESAR

Vas poziva na predavanje
New Balances between
EU Supremacy and Member States’ Sovereignty

(Nova ravnoteža između EU supremacija
i suverenosti zemalja  članica)

Prof. Jens Woelk,
Faculty of Law – University of Trento, Italy
(Curriculum Vitae)

ponedeljak, 23. april 2007, 12.00h
Velika muldimedijalna sala, Pravni fakultet
(Trg Dositeja Obradovića 1)
Predavanje će biti na engleskom jeziku, uz obezbeđen prevod

The process of contitutionalization of EU integration seems to have reached its peak around the year 2000. The internal market has been completed, a series of Treaty revisions have added to the powers of the EU, a European Charter of Fundamental Rights has been “solemnly proclaimed”. But the formalisation of these developments in the Constitutional Treaty did not succeed so far: its ratification process, although advanced, stopped after the referenda in France and in the Netherlands; the two rounds of enlargement, in 2004 and 2007, added to “Euroskepticism” and led to a debate on “absorption capacity” of the EU.
Moreover, the relations between EU supremacy and Member States’ sovereignty seem to be re-balanced in favour of diversity, as the “national identity [of Member States] expressed in their fundamental political and constitutional structures” has to be respected (art. I-5 Constitutional Treaty). On this crucial issue, a new round in the “judicial dialogue” between the European Court of Justice and Constitutional Courts of Member States has already begun.
After a brief contextualisation, the presentation will focus on the ECJ judgment in the “Omega”-case (C-36/02, 14.10.2004) and on the jurisprudence regarding the EU arrest warrant, in order to delineate some tendencies.